
The Sales Funnel Unraveled: Navigating Each Stage Like a PRO

Nov 1, 2023 | Sales

Let’s discuss the well-oiled machine of sales: the sales funnel. These are the key stages in the sales process and how you navigate each step is integral to the selling like a PRO. 

Let’s break it down

  • Awareness: Letting potential customers know about your product or service is the first step. Your company may have a marketing team and campaign for this, but you still want to do your part. Social media, SEO, and epic content are your best friends here. Don’t just talk shop, talk about other client success stories. Get them interested and curious to know more. 
  • Interest: Now that you’ve caught their eye, it’s time to sweep them off their feet. Engage, enlighten, and get the conversation started. How can your product or service make their life easier or better? This stage is about them…not you. Get to know your prospect, what they need, what they want, what makes them tick or will motivate them to act. 
  • Decision: This is an integral moment; do they go with you or someone else? Make sure you know them and understand what they need as well as what objections may come up. Be prepared to handle hard questions in a way that connects with your prospect, so they know you understand them and their needs.
  • Action: They are ready to say yes makes this process seamless and easy. There is nothing worse than being ready to buy a car and the salesperson keeps going to talk to their manager. Remove any potential barriers to close.
  • Retention: This is where the true magic happens. How are you staying engaged with your customers to know them even better, understand what they may need now or down the road. Again, your company or marketing team may do some of this but make it personal to ensure repeat customers.

Remember, the key to success through each phase of the sales funnel is to keep it authentic, be there for your customers, and understand their needs to serve them better. Stay on top of your game, adapt to change, and show that human touch. Fill out our contact form to schedule a training session on how to connect with your clients to rock those conversions!

Paul Bramson

Paul Bramson

Paul Bramson is renowned as a powerhouse on keynote stages and in training arenas. He is widely regarded as being one of the most impactful speakers, trainers and C-suite coaches in the world today. Paul is recognized as a leading authority and thought leader in the areas of communication, leadership and sales boasting media mentions in Forbes, Fast Company, Fortune, BuiltIn, Yahoo, and MSN. With an extensive 25-year tenure, Paul has continually ignited and empowered professionals, leaders, and teams across all echelons. His ability to captivate and engage audiences originates from an authentic zeal, unique aptitudes, and an unyielding dedication to professional and personal enhancement.